Science Educators’ Association of the Australian Capital Territory

2025 AGM @ ConSEAACT – 22 March ANU

Join us for our annual general meeting being held during ConSEAACT. We will run our election for the following positions:


Vice President


Media & Comms

Secondary Schools Officer

Primary Schools Officer

Community Liaison

Sustainability Officer

Science Fair Coordinator

Member at Large

Professional Learning Coordinator

SEAACT Constitution Update

The council has reviewed the current constitution and is proposing the following amendments to our Membership Types.

Proposed motions to be voted on at the next AGM:
Motion 1: To remove Collegial Membership with Corporate Membership which includes 5 individuals from the same organization or school; the school or a person delegated by it shall receive one vote
Motion 2: To add Retired Membership; the fee shall be 50% full membership
Motion 3: To adjust the Student Membership criteria to include that it is available to either part-time or full-time students at tertiary institutions who are in a pre-service teacher training program; the fee shall be free while they remain enrolled
Motion 4: To add New Educator Membership; the fee shall be 50% full membership during their first 3 years of employment as a classroom teacher


The council is proposing the following amendments to the elections of our Executive Officers.  The proposed changes would remove a 4 year election cycle of President-Elect, President and Past-President.

Proposed motions to be voted on at the next AGM:

Motion 1: The President will serve a 12 month term, to be elected at each AGM.  
Motion 2: The Vice-President will serve a 12 month term, to be elected at each AGM.