How To Enter
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Instructions on how to submit the link to your digital project (most preferred):
- Register your project by clicking on the button above: “Register your project”
- Have the link to your digital project handy. You will be required to insert the URL link of your project at the time that you register.
- Click SUBMIT which will generate an electronic verification with your unique registration number. Note: Please make sure the share setting for your project enables anyone with the link to view it.
Instructions on how to email your digital file as an attachment (least preferred):
- Register your project by clicking on the button above: “Register your project”
- Click SUBMIT which will generate an unique project identification number. Use this number to name your digital file as follows: your name, your school, and unique project number. For example: John Smith, Fadden Primary, #232
- Email your file as an attachment to as an attachment. It is important to quote the project registration number in the subject line of your email.
- Note to teachers – you can email a link to your Google drive if you have multiple student projects to this email address.
Instructions on how to submit your physical/poster project:
- Register your project by clicking on the button above: “Register your project”
- A unique project identification number will be generated. Print this page and attach it to your project.
- Deliver your project to Mungga-iri Jingee STEM Centre located on the grounds of Caroline Chisholm School, 108 Hambidge Crescent, Chisholm