Science Educators’ Association of the Australian Capital Territory

How To Enter

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‎Register your project

Instructions on how to submit the link to your digital project (most preferred):

  1. Register your project by clicking on the button above: “‎Register your project”
  2. Have the link to your digital project handy. You will be required to insert the URL link of your project at the time that you register.
  3. Click SUBMIT which will generate an electronic verification with your unique registration number. Note: Please make sure the share setting for your project enables anyone with the link to view it.


Instructions on how to email your digital file as an attachment (least preferred):

  1. Register your project by clicking on the button above: “‎Register your project”
  2. Click SUBMIT which will generate an unique project identification number.  Use this number to name your digital file as follows:  your name, your school, and unique project number. For example: John Smith, Fadden Primary, #232
  3. Email your file as an attachment to as an attachment.  It is important to quote the project registration number in the subject line of your email.
  4. Note to teachers – you can email a link to your Google drive if you have multiple student projects to this email address.


Instructions on how to submit your physical/poster project:

  1. Register your project by clicking on the button above: “‎Register your project”
  2. A unique project identification number will be generated.  Print this page and attach it to your project.
  3. Deliver your project to Mungga-iri Jingee STEM Centre located on the grounds of Caroline Chisholm School, 108 Hambidge Crescent, Chisholm