Judging Process
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2024 Dates
Judging of Primary level project will occur on Sunday, 27 October 2024
Judging of Secondary level projects will be ongoing from 1 – 14 November 2024
STEM Categories
All projects must be submitted into one of the five STEM categories, whether it be a scientific investigation or a technological invention.
Age Level Categories
All projects will be submitted and judged by year or ability level within their STEM category as follows:
- Early Childhood: Preschool – Year 2
- Middle Primary: Years 3 -4
- Upper Primary: Years 5 – 6
- Junior Secondary: Years 7 -8
- Intermediate Secondary: Years 9 – 10
- Senior Secondary: Years 11 -12
- Primary Special Education: Years P – 6
- Secondary Special Education: Years 7 – 12
New Regional Fairs for Secondary
In 2024, SEAACT will introduce 2 separate regional fairs for our Year 7-12 entries that will allow for a more equitable fair that will have schools with the same demographic make-up and similar level of mentorship enter into 2 distinct competitions. This will allow for more fairness and a better representation of our territory win awards and being entered into the national ASTA iCubed Science Awards.
Awarding of Prizes
Secondary Prizes
Recognition Certificates
All Year 7-12 projects will be judged using either a scientific investigation or technological innovation (engineering) rubric. Each student is awarded a certificate based on their level of attainment of specified criteria given in the scoring rubric:
- High Distinction Certificate for every student who achieves a level 4 against the rubric.
- Distinction Certificate for every student who achieves a level 3 against the rubric.
- Credit Certificate for every student who achieves a level 2 against the rubric.
- Certificates of Participation for all other student entries.
Sponsored Awards
Top projects from each of the STEM categories and age levels will be awarded:
- First Place
- Second Place
- Highly Commended
- Encouragement Award
Primary Prizes
All primary projects will be judged using an age-specific rubric. Top projects from each of the STEM categories and age levels will be awarded:
- First Place
- Second Place
- Highly Commended
- Participation Certificate
We recommend that students read the criteria before starting their project, and also at the end as a checklist that everything has been included. Teachers are welcome to use the rubrics as the basis of school assessment tasks.
School Shields
SEAACT School Shields will be awarded to the school who has the highest number of winning entries in an age group.